MecSimCalc Build-A-Thon (July 9th - July 16th, 2022) Winners | MecSimCalc Docs

MecSimCalc had it's first ever hackathon in July 2022. This competition sponsored by 1984 Ventures, was aimed to increase the number of users and showcase the versatility of the platform. Users would create an app on the MecSimCalc website, tag it as "Comp07092022" and publish it for a chance to win up to $500. $400 would be given to the app with the highest score and $100 would be given to the most viewed app. However, since we had received so many high quality submissions, three additional bonus prizes were given out to apps that had not won but were innovative uses of the platform. Throughout the competition there were 77 sign-ups and 13 submissions. This blog post is dedicated to the top 5 scoring apps from MecSimCalc's July 9th - July 16th, 2022 Build-A-Thon. To view all apps submitted during the competition, look for the tag "Comp07092022" on the MecSimCalc Explore page.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Congrats to all the winners! :heart_eyes: